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Identification plate shows design conditions glasshouse

The European glasshouse standards demand the builder to attach an identification plate well visible on one of the posts presenting the design conditions. These conditions will be used to re calculate the new loads and design adaptations to make the switch possible.

Operational use of glasshouses like hanging gutters, crop wires, screens, lifting heating, roofwashers, and also surrounding influences like weather conditions all have their specific load to add to the total construction. The obligatory identification helps to determine if a change in load will be ok.

Using existing glass for alternative purposes, or introducing new techniques, new loads could lead to damage. Tomato glasshouses of 10 – 15 years old or glass used for lettuce or chrysanthemum were designed for crops in the ground or gutters on the floor. Providing them with hanging gutters means a larger load on the trellie. Screens or crop wires will increase the load on the headwalls. Building a new shed or removing one can influence the vulnerability to weather conditions.

Hagelunie can help you check the design of new glass and help you make the right choices to adapt existing glass to the new purpose.

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