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Washed Away Soil And Uneven Pipes – A Problem?

Getting Ready for Heavy Rain and Storms

Expect lots of rain and rough weather during autumn. We need to be ready for it. Sometimes, there are really heavy rain showers, and our drainage system can't handle all the water. This can lead to water spilling outside your greenhouse. What does this mean? Is your greenhouse truly waterproof? We're here to give you tips to help your greenhouse stay dry.

Watch Out for Older Greenhouses 

Older greenhouses are often close to ditches, just within reach from the outside. After a heavy rain, the gutters and drainage basins can struggle to manage the sudden water. This is a bigger problem for newer, larger greenhouses with long gutters, where a lot of water collects in one spot. This can wash away the ground or make it very wet. The damage might not be obvious right away. It can show up much later. Also, the area around the greenhouse gets smaller over time, making it hard to access the greenhouse. Pipes become exposed, face a lot of pressure, and could move or break. This can cause the ground to sink.


Keep Things Dry 

Before and after heavy rainfall, look around your greenhouse. Check these following: 

1. Inspect your rainwater drainage system, like pipes and connections from the greenhouse to the collection area. Are they still in good shape? Is everything connected correctly? If not, fix it or ask your greenhouse builder to help. This can prevent the ground from sinking. 

2. Check the ground around the pipes. Are they still covered? Can you still easily get to your greenhouse from outside? Do you see any signs of soil or dirt moving? Fix this or ask your greenhouse builder for help. This can prevent the ground from sinking.

More Ways to Prepare 

Apart from what is mentioned above, think about these steps: 

- Make sure the ground around your greenhouse slopes away from it and toward a ditch to let water run off. 

- Add extra drainage to your rainwater pipes so that extra water can quickly flow away. 

- If you're building a new greenhouse, use a special plastic layer under and below the foundation to keep extra water out. 

- If you plan to have a longer greenhouse, talk to a Hagelunie expert before you start. They can help you find the best way to handle water around your greenhouse. 

Prepare for Hail Too 

It's clear that we're having more extreme weather like heavy rain, storms, hail, and drought. If you're thinking about a new greenhouse or working space, consider using strong glass. Your broker or our experts can give you advice on this.  

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